Saturday, February 14, 2009

Update on the Bohlen's

Hello to all. Well, just an update, since I haven't been doing so well lately. I did make an error on the last entry - our Bible Study is on the first and third Friday nights of the month, not on Tuesday. Our host and hostess will be on a mission trip our next meeting, so we will be hosting it our home. Started today to clean.

Why did Jesus Christ come to this world? The reason was so that He could testify to the truth. That is what His response was to Pilate prior to his death. See John 18:37. Yes, He also came to save sinners (that was my answer). I'm anxious to view the next video. I will keep you updated.

Today is Valentine's Day. We had a nice breakfast together and then went to the "Puppy Show" down at the Port of Burlington. There were a lot of puppies, but we came home with none. But that isn't the end of the story. There was an add for a free cockapoo in the paper this a.m. We called about her and then this afternoon, went to check her out. We think she is actually a Maltese. She is about a year old. Well, we rescued her and brought her home. Unsure what we will do with her - keep her, give her to Gma Bohlen, ??? Actually, once we got her here, she ate right away. We went on a 2 mile walk with her and Zeke and she did really well. After that, we gave her a bath, and put flea medicine on her. The guy getting rid of her just lost his house, his wife and kids left him, he had been in Iraq... a sad situation.

Here she is. Her name was Sweet Pea, but I think we are going to change it... Maybe to Zoe, if Jessica doesn't mind.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Truth Project

Steve and I have started/joined a small group and we are watching "The Truth Project" This was produced by Focus on the Family with Dr. Del Tackett as the instructor. Here is a summary of the introduction: "This series is designed to take participants on a guided worldview tour, following the points of the worldview compass, a tool designed to direct our thinking with regard to four fundamental issues: Truth, God, Man, and the Social Order. Along the way, we will attempt to build a logical, systematic framework of ideas by which to organize and evaluate the various truth claims to be encountered during the course of our tour. Our ultimate goal is not simply to gain knowledge, but to look upon the face of God - and to be transformed in the process."

The first video was a study on Veritology (a word Dr. Tackett made up): What is truth? Why is it important? What role does it play in the biblical view of the world? He starts the video asking this question: Why did Jesus Christ come into this world? I would love to hear your answers. Just comment on the blog.

We are really excited about studying this series. We are meeting the first and third Tuesday of every month (unsure about the summer yet). I will try to keep you posted on my thoughts and insights.

Hope you have time to visit the website to see what it is all about. Hopefully, it will whet your appetite and you will find a small group in your area.